Ways a Recovering Addict Can Reduce Stress

Stress affects us all; however, what is different for each of us, is the ways our bodies react to it, and how we respond to it. For some people, stressful situations might be easily-managed. For others, however, stress can be a very debilitating emotion.

Individuals who are recovering from an addiction often have a hard time managing stress, because they no longer have the outlet they used to rely on. Without the option to drink or abuse substances, finding a healthy balance is a bit trickier.

Fortunately, there are lots of ways a recovering addict can reduce stress without the need to use again. The following options offer alternative options that are healthier and much more efficient.

Create a Manageable Schedule

This is especially important for the first few months after recovery, when the potential for relapse is much stronger. Create a schedule that requires you to accomplish a few things a day, but no more.

Having too much free time might cause a user to spend a lot of time thinking about using; on the other hand, doing too much can also cause some unnecessary stress. Have two or three events planned for each day, to stay busy but organized.

Recognize and Remove Triggers

Even before you head home after recovery you might request that someone removes any potential triggers from your environment. Even if triggers don’t cause an addict to use again, it may increase their levels of stress. This also means avoiding any people or places that encouraged using before.

Other triggers that might cause stress can be everyday life factors, such as old relationships, traffic or unfinished work. Recognize things that need to get done or lifestyle changes that need to be made, and slowly tick them off your list to avoid unnecessary stress.

Related article: Best Strategies to Manage Stress During Addiction Recovery


Slow-moving, relaxing activities are a great way to focus on the present and bring stress levels down. Activities such as yoga and meditation are great for finding balance amongst our busy lives, and they can be practices at home or amongst others in a class.

Mind your Body

Maintaining a stress-free attitude isn’t just about mental health—it is physical, too. One of the ways a recovering addict can reduce stress is by taking good care of their body by taking part in daily physical activity and practicing a healthy diet.

Exercise is said to increase our endorphins, resulting in a more positive mindset. Eating healthy can also make us feel better, assuming that we ingest a healthy number of minerals, vitamins and whole foods that help our bodies perform at their best.


One great stress reliever for recovering addicts is to talk out their worries and concerns. It doesn’t matter if this means finding a trustworthy friend/family member, or taking part in weekly support meetings; being verbal about things that are stressful is a great way to get them off of your chest.


Without sleep, our bodies quickly become run down and much less efficient. Trying to get through the day without enough energy can often be stressful in itself; add to this being late for work or forgetting your lunch and a relaxing day just became stressful.


There are lots of ways a recovering addict can reduce stress; it is merely a case of finding which suggestions work best for each individual. A combination of these tips may be ideal, in order to help an addict experience a calmer, more enjoyable recovery. Call Inspire Change Addiction Rehab in Vancouver for addiction treatment programs.


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