What Happens to Your Body When You Quit and Stop Drinking?

Stop Drinking

When you stop drinking and go back to a healthy and alcohol-free lifestyle, there are various changes that you will feel in your body. Canada is one of the countries that have been grappling with alcohol addiction and dependence. The initiatives taken to finally put an end or moderation to drinking problem are becoming more and more accessible to Canadians in different provinces and territories. What exactly happens to your body when you finally decide to quit or cut down on your drinking?

Physical Changes When You Stop Drinking

A lot of Canadians are dealing with the drinking abuse dilemma and it is affecting different people from varying age groups and economic backgrounds, among many others. It helps to know the different changes that a drinker would physically experience and these could serve as motivations in order to quit drinking for good:

Body Clock Returns to Normal

Many people who are suffering from drinking abuse have trouble going to sleep or having sufficient sleep as drinking increases the alpha wave patterns of the brain. The pattern serves as a type of cerebral activity which happens when the person is resting but awake. The increase of such brain activity results to disrupted sleep. Better sleep is guaranteed when you stop drinking and it also results to better concentration, improved mood, and a boost in your mental performance.

Related article: Alcohol Detox: 5 Facts that Will Make You Stop Drinking for Good

Pounds will Fall Off

One of the best ways to shed those extra calories and pounds is to quit drinking. When you stop drinking, you are reducing your intake of calories that you unknowingly consume when you drink alcohol. One margarita, for instance, has over 300 caloric contents which are mostly derived from sugar. Men who drink alcohol take in up to 400 calories while women have additional 300 calories when they don’t drink moderately. Simply quit drinking if you want to lose weight with minimal efforts.

Reduced Risk for Cancer

Alcohol use is connected to increased cancer risks particularly for the liver, mouth, rectum, breast, and colon. Over-consumption of alcohol is linked to the malfunction of the major body organs and exposes the body to the toxic materials and free radicals that come with the alcohol you drink. Stop drinking and you would also reduce the risks of acquiring diabetes since some alcohols also have higher sugar content.

Appetite Moderation is Guaranteed

Quitting drinking doesn’t mean that you would lose your appetite all together. In only reduces your appetite as alcohol drinking is one of the factors that drive a person to excessively consume food. Alcohol basically heightens an individual’s senses particularly their sense of smell and triggers of hunger pangs and cravings. Start with an alcohol-free lifestyle to have a great dietary regimen.

Canada is facing a huge problem with excessive drinking and the abuse of this substance is affecting Canadians in the health and social aspects. When you stop drinking, you experience a smorgasbord of physiological health benefits that bring back your total wellness inside and out. Find an alcohol abuse treatment facility now. Call Inspire Change Addiction Rehab in Vancouver for addiction treatment programs.

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