Party Drug Addiction

party drug addiction rehab cost in edmonton

How Much Does Party Drug Addiction Rehab Cost in Edmonton?

Party drug addiction is quite rampant in Edmonton. Drugs like Molly, Cocaine and LSD are a fixture at clubs around town. With usage over time, it’s possible to develop a strong dependence on party drugs. After dependence, comes addiction. It’s almost impossible to break an

druged in party

How Not to Get Drugged at a Party

It is common to find people believe that they cannot get drugged at a party. Some even believe that getting drugged at a party is a myth and the prospect should not be given a second thought. When you neglect partying tips, you do not

Date Rape Drugs

How Girls Can Protect Themselves From Date Rape Drugs

It’s no news that many girls especially college students have had date rape experience. This disturbing trend means learning how girls can protect themselves against date drugs is now critical. As a man, you may have never had an encounter with date rape drugs. On

Party Drugs Addiction

Party Drugs Addiction: What is it?

Nearly five-in-ten Canadians are suffering from party drug addiction. However, this addiction is more prevalent among youths who often attend parties. Party drugs are always present in places like house parties, raves and nightclubs. Hence, the name “party drugs”.  Ultimately, no list covers the types