Cocaine Addiction

cocaine rehabilitation

After Care Following Cocaine Rehabilitation

Engaging in addiction recovery is an admirable and courageous step towards leading a more fulfilling and healthier lifestyle. Completing a rehabilitation program for cocaine addiction is a major accomplishment, yet only part of the recovery process. For long-term sobriety to occur successfully and lastingly, aftercare

overcoming its challenges

Cocaine Rehab: Overcoming its Challenges

Cocaine is a powerful stimulant that creates an intense euphoria by flooding the brain with dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for pleasure and reward. This heightened sense of well-being is short-lived, and users often crave more, leading to a cycle of addiction. Cocaine, often dubbed “party

cocaine stay in your system

How Long Does Cocaine Stay in Your System?

The answer to how long does cocaine stay in your system is anywhere from 3-14 days. Cocaine and its metabolites will show up on a saliva or blood test up to two days after last use. Similarly, your urine will test positive for cocaine up

type of drug crack

What Type of Drug is Crack?

You may hear people use the word crack in discussions about drugs. But what kind of drug is crack? Is it dangerous? What are its effects? We will examine all the answers to these questions further down in this post. Crack is simply another form

Cocaine Addiction Treatment

How to Stay Sober after Cocaine Addiction Treatment

The question of how to stay sober after cocaine addiction treatment has many answers. We can liken the answer to a collection of pillars. These pillars are designed to hold up the house that is your sobriety from cocaine addiction. Just like a house, recovery