Author: Jeffrey H

Benefits of Quitting Marijuana

Benefits of Quitting Marijuana

Meny individuals who use marijuana assume that they will not become addicted to it; however, marijuana is in fact very addictive and has the ability to cause serious withdrawal symptoms and cravings. For individuals who are trying to kick their habit of using weed, it

Treatments for Methadone Addiction

What are the Treatments for Methadone Addiction?

Methadone is a man-made opioid, that is commonly used to treat addictions to other opioids, such as morphine and heroin. When used properly, methadone works to target the brain and spinal cord, blocking the “high” that is felt when using other opioids. It is also

Long-Term Effects of Marijuana

Long-Term Effects of Marijuana

The long-term effects of marijuana may not be a concern to someone who is trying this type of drug for the first time. An individual who has only smoked marijuana once or a few times in life will likely assume that no lasting effects will

Signs of Alcoholism

Five Warning Signs of Alcoholism

Alcoholism, or Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), is defined as the act of drinking alcohol in a way that leads to physical or mental health problems. Meny of the individuals who suffer from alcoholism have a hard time recognizing what is happening, or they may deny

Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Alcohol Addiction Treatment: Is There a Way to Change?

Alcohol abuse is one of the most pressing problems in Canada thus, more efforts on alcohol addiction treatment come from both the government and private institutions. Although drinking is an accepted social activity, there is a huge difference between normal alcohol consumption and substance abuse.