7 Home Exercises to Help With Addiction Treatment During Social Distancing

The current pandemic situation means that we have to deal with new realities. For people in the middle of addiction treatment in Vancouver, this means finding new ways to stay focused on recovery. One such method is exercise. There are various exercises that can help you keep your addiction treatment process running smoothly.

Due to the novel virus that is currently in full swing, the Canadian government has enacted lockdown protocols. These lockdown protocols include a stay at home order, social distancing measures and self-isolation where necessary. In essence, if you are not an essential worker, you are going to be spending a lot of time at home. This is where our list of exercises for people in addiction treatment becomes useful.

For many people, cabin fever is setting in, the goodies and chocolate supply is running flow. If you are a TV person, the probability is high that you have finished watching most shows on Netflix. The bad news is that you can’t attend a yoga class or use the gym due to social distancing. However, you don’t have to panic.

There are helpful exercises recommended by professional addiction treatment experts in Canada. This is going to the centrepiece of this blog. We will discuss exercises that will keep you fit and focused on your addiction recovery journey. Keep reading for all the information you need.

Why Exercise is Recommended for People in Addiction Treatment

Just like any other individual, if you are getting addiction treatment services in Vancouver, you need to stay fit. Exercising as a physical activity boosts cardiovascular health, strengthening the lungs and the heart in the process. With that, you are guaranteed the increased circulation of oxygen and blood to all the parts of your body. 

Exercise is Recommended for People in Addiction Treatment

In the same vein, healthy blood circulation equals increased brain function. With exercise, you will enjoy improved functioning in a variety of areas including creativity, memory and learning. Consequently, the risk of depression is reduced drastically.

With the COVID-19 pandemic in full swing, it is easy to become overwhelmed by feelings of anxiety and uncertainty. If left to roam, these feelings can lead to depression — a situation that is unpleasant for someone in addiction treatment. So, let’s get that blood pumping!

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The Exercises for a Great Workout During Self-Isolation

The following exercise routines are recommended for those in addiction treatment since they can be conducted at home. In fact, you don’t need equipment of any kind to carry out these exercises. 

Before we go into details, remember to take it easy if you have been inactive for a long time. None of these exercises should be painful. Therefore, if you are experiencing any pain while doing them, stop immediately.

Deep breathing

Before you start any of the other activities on this list, start out with a simple breathing exercise. Deep breathes will help you get your body psyched up for the physical activity that is to come. To do this:

  • Breathe in fully to your belly, then chest 
  • Slowly breathe out, moving from your chest to the belly
  • Start out with 10-30 deep breathes

Workout During Self-Isolation


Jumping jacks

Jumping jacks are a simple cardio exercise designed for those without any equipment. As a cardio routine, it is effective for the heart. It gets the blood pumping and helps you break a sweat. Even if you are getting treatment from addiction services in Vancouver, remember to take it easy. Find your fitness level and start from there. 

  • From a standing position, jump and land with your feet away from your shoulder width.
  • While jumping, raise your arms above your head
  • For extra ginger, you can clap your hands above your head
  • Repeat 10-30 times

Jumping jacks


Planks are a simple exercise that strengthens the core. A tight core almost always means a flatter stomach. For those in addiction treatment, a tight core can do wonders for self-esteem and body confidence. This is one of the benefits you can enjoy by incorporating exercise in your addiction recovery journey.

  • Lie on your stomach keeping your forearms parallel.
  • Be sure to firm up your back and belly, creating a stable core.
  • Avoid rounding your shoulders by squeezing your shoulder blades together. Just imagine that you are hugging your body in.
  • Don’t raise your hips higher than your upper back.
  • Be sure that your hips don’t sag lower than your upper back. Keep it level.
  • Take slow breaths while you are in this position.
  • Hold this position for at least 20 seconds, working your way to your limit.


Bodyweight squats

Squats are designed to keep your legs as strong as possible. In addition, it contributes to ankle, knee and hip mobility. It’s a great exercise for those looking to improve mobility while in addiction treatment.

  • Stand with your toes pointing forward 
  • Spread your knees apart depending on the extent of your mobility.
  • Descend while pointing your knees forward and looking straight ahead to maintain spine alignment.
  • As you start rising up, squeeze inwards with your inner thigh muscles. This has the added effect of stabilizing your hips.

Start out with 10 squats. Over time, you can increase the number of reps. It all depends on how comfortable you feel.

Bodyweight squats


For those in addiction treatment, upper body strength can be crucial. This is because it is necessary for the integrated control of the whole body. The push-up is a simple exercise for this social distancing period. You don’t need any equipment and can quickly learn the process.

  • Lie down, supporting yourself with your hands and toes
  • Make sure your core is engaged and that your hands are wider than your shoulder width.
  • Slowly lower yourself, squeezing your shoulder blades in.
  • Then, slowly lift yourself up.
  • While rising, push your shoulder blades away from your spine.

5-15 reps is a good start for your first set. With time, you should be able to work yourself up to higher figures. 


For those in addiction treatment, it is important to find exercises that will keep you moving around. Lunges is a great exercise to achieve this effect. In fact, most addiction treatment professionals recommend this exercise because it boosts balance and mobility.

  • Keeping your core engaged, take a huge step forward.
  • Be sure to push your knee forward as far as you can. Do this while making sure that your front heel doesn’t leave the ground.
  • Simultaneously, lower your hips without letting your following knee touch the floor.
  • Pushing strongly with the heel of your front foot, come back to a standing position.
  • Set a distance for yourself depending on how strong you feel.


Side planks 

Side planks are an exercise designed to help strengthen the sides of your core. Addiction treatment experts recommend this exercise because it helps develop overall stability.

  • Lie on your side keeping a supporting arm perpendicular to the ground.
  • Stretch the other hand toward the ceiling 
  • Be sure that your body is in a perfectly straight line.
  • Don’t raise your hips up into the air. Also, make sure that they don’t sag.
  • Be sure to breathe slowly and steadily 
  • Hold the position for 20-40 seconds 

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Stay Healthy Even With Social Distancing

Home workout exercises will help those in the middle of addiction treatment stay fit and focused on their goals. However, in addition to physical health, it is important that you keep your mental health in check. Addiction Healing Centre has taken effective steps to remain open during the COVID-19 pandemic. Call Inspire Change Addiction Rehab in Vancouver for addiction treatment programs. If you need therapy, professional addiction treatment and other services, call us today via 888 508 9802. Our experts are more than happy to help!

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